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Here you will find info posted about what I have found to be useful information on a variety of subjects that all relate to improved mental health and wellbeing. This page will be peridically updated so please be patient in regards to the content that is posted.

Please enjoy and use whatever is posted here as the hope is to provide education and tools to apply if you so choose. Please know that any information contained in the blog is generalized and used at your own risk, is not meant to be construed as treatment, and is not a substitution for treatment which is a highly complicated process that is only achieved through individual assessment and treatment planning.

Cell phone use or addiction?

Cell phones seemingly have changed our lives for the better because we think that communication is a good thing and more communication has to be better. Maybe this is not the case though as cell phones have seemingly taught us how to have a relationship with our cell phones rather than with the people that are important to us. Alexander Graham Bell likey wouldn't recognize the cell phones of today as they are quite different than the phone that he invented in 1876. We don't even say "cell phone" anymore but just call it a "phone" as pretty much all phones are cell phones and everybody seemingly has one (310 million in the U.S.) The cell phone of today seems to offer alot of wonderful things because it is "immediate gratification" but maybe by using them we're losing other skills and virtues that are far too valuable and important.

The appeal of the cell phone is huge as there are alot of good things to make life easier.  In many cases it's just a pocket-sized computer that you can carry everywhere.  Cell phone makers sell the idea that everyone can have 24/7/365 acesss to communication, information, and entertainment anywhere you go. The phone seemingly does everything. We can call anybody in the moment and chat or text without waiting. We can pay all of our bills in minutes. The cell phone is also an instant babysitter.  If the kids are bored in the car or restaurant, a game or movie on the cell phone keeps them happy. Forget to turn off the oven before you left for vacation? Many appliances now have an "app" so you have a wireless remote control for your device from anywhere. There is an app for almost eveerything now and if it doesn't exist yet then wait a few days and someone will make one.  Sound appealing?  If it does, then it probably means alot of time spent on the phone doing these things and we tell ourselves that we are being "more productive" however sometimes maybe we can have too much of a good thing.  In 2023 the average American spent 4 hrs and 23 minutes per day on a cell phone. "Doomscrolling" is now a thing as people who are bored just aimlessly search through the phone and social media in hopes for something interesting.  The "increased productivity" seemingly comes at a very large cost which is likely too much to pay. Using cell phones when we need to isn't a bad thing but letting them take over all of your time and attention is not good. Listed below are some of the losses and solutions that can fix the cell phone addiction. 


Increased relationship conflict

Increased social anxiety

Increased depression

Increased social skills deficits.

Increased boredom.

Increased relationship conflict.

Decreased relationships

Decreased creativity and spontaneity.

Decreased sleep and sleep quality 

Decreased fine motor skills

Decreased memory and concentration.

Decreased productivity.


1) Unless talking on the phone, limit phone time to essential activites that can be done in 10 minutes or less.

2)  Limit cell phone time for teens and children. 

3) When interacting with people in any way, put the phone down and pay attention to the human.

4)  Create "no phone" zones like at the dinner table or during family time.

4) At night before bed, end phone time at least 1-2 hrs before sleeping. 

5)  If you are bored, opt for a real activity like reading a book or playing a game with a human rather than reading on a phone or playing a cell phone game.

6)  Make sure to only text positive or neutral things to other people, not complaints or arguments by text as emotions are too hard to distinguish.


1) Feel like you "cannot live" without your phone or feeling "lost" or panicked without it even if its only for hours or a day.

2)  Have trouble putting the phone down when interacting with others or others are speaking.

3)  Spend more than 30-60 minutes daily on your phone using social media, searching, watching movies, or playing games.

4)  Spend more than 3 hrs per day on your phone that is not talking to people or work related.

5)  Have alot of "friends" but mostly are people that you either have never met or haven't seen or spoken by voice in at least 6 months. 

6) Have relationship difficulties or a significant friend or family member that gets angry and tells you that you spend too much time on your phone. 


Cell phones have a place in the world however they aren't a replacement for real relationships or other activites.  If you or a loved one are having individual or relationship difficulties because of too much time and attention on the phone, please don't wait and contact us now for an appt as help is available to take back your life.